Housing & Wellness

Our Housing and Wellness Program is an essential part of our continuum of care that provides youth with access to a range of clinically, developmentally and culturally appropriate services that aim to support youth in moving toward and achieving stability, self-sufficiency and a permanent exit from homelessness.

The goals of the Housing and Wellness Program are to keep youth connected to systems of care, mitigate daily survival needs while youth await housing, increase youth housing and retention rates and advocate for more developmentally appropriate housing for youth and, ultimately, end youth homelessness. In addition to services provided onsite at My Friend's Place by our staff, our Housing and Wellness Program engages a multitude of community partners to provide on-site and off-site medical, health and wellness services.


A vital component of the Housing and Wellness Program is our Parenting Program. The program consists of a comprehensive 12-16 week course incorporating structured group education, parenting materials and individualized support to help young parents build their own thriving families.

The ultimate goal of the program, which is court approved for parents who are in the process of reunifying with children who have been removed from their care, is to provide young parents with the education and resources to break the devastating multi-generational cycle of homelessness and involvement in the child welfare system.

Each participant in the program receives diapers, formula, toys and clothing for their child, with each full cycle culminating in a graduation ceremony that contributes to a profound sense of accomplishment and reinforces these young adults’ commitment to successfully parenting their children.

Additional Housing & Wellness Services

    Conflict Mediation

    Stress Reduction
    and Coping Skills

    Anger Management

    Individual, Group and
    Family Counseling

    STI and HIV Testing

    Substance Abuse

    Legal Services

    Housing Referrals to the
    Coordinated Entry System

Together We Can!

Assist and inspire homeless youth to build self-sufficient lives.